Chinese premium audio site, Hifishuo.com bestows an award to the Neutron SW16 Digital power cord! The award was bestowed on the basis of superlative performance, high build quality and, design aesthetics and appearance.
“… the sound of the Neutron SW16 is grand, the notes are very full, thick and quite dense and heavy. At the same time, compared with the Kama EEXS-1A, the background is more stable, without any roughness, and the sound is more open and bright. Gilers’s piano sound is quite pure. In the I saw him once in the tragic world, after changing to the Neutron SW16, there was a feeling of suddenly turning the lights on in the dark room to illuminate the stage.”
See full article here: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&u=http://2fwww.hifishuo.com/view_pdc.php%3Fid%3D51222&prev=search