2016 Axpona w/TVTI, Tidal, Aurender, Bricasti and Stillpoints. The system featured our new Neutron SW16 Digital power cord ($7500/1.5M) on the Bricasti M10 SP DAC($9995), the Challenger AE15 Digital power cord ($4000/1.5M) on the Aurender W20 ($17,600)and the new Heritage AE15 speaker cable ($10,000/2.5M) on the Tidal Agorias ($109,900/pr). This was the first showing for new Neutron SW16 Digital power cord and the Heritage AE15 speaker cables, both will be featured again at the upcoming Newport Beach Show as part of a full Heritage cable system.
The sound in the room was one of the best I have ever experienced at a show despite being in a smallish hotel room with minimal room treatment! The sound was, at once, super transparent, utterly open with incredible rendering of recorded acoustic space, powerful, extended and fast! The midrange was stunningly natural and relaxed with wonderful textures and hues that really lent the music a realistic perspective that is the “holy grail” of hi-end audio! It was with a great sense of loss that we tore the system down, it was truly a magical experience!
Many thanks and congrats to our gracious host Doug White of TVTI!!!